How we're different
Unlike peer to peer role play, scripted simulations or standardized patients, our seasoned team of coaches and improvisational actors partner to create a customized and profound experience for each participant. We nurture the kind of learning and growth that changes practices, teams, and sometimes lives.
The following three videos show an abbreviated version of the three main steps of the coached role-play with Lee as the coach, Christa as a participant (a physician being coached), Jeffery as the actor, and three of Christa’s colleagues as observers.
Step 1
Lee learns what Christa wants to work on during the session. She asks a few questions of Christa to learn what situation would provide the most opportunity for growth.
Step 2
Jeffery, the actor who plays Christa’s patient in the role-play, asks a few questions to learn more about his character.
Step 3
Christa does the role-play with Jeffery as Lee provides some coaching. The other two physician participants share their observations. Jeffery shares his impressions of Christa’s communication from the patient’s perspective.
This technique gives the coachee a chance to practice in a safe setting with a realistic scenario tailored specifically to them. The coach guides them and helps them out when they get stumped. And the observer/colleagues are there for additional perspective and support.